Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them (v 5-6).
You can listen here: It's a good one!
I've been a fan of Rend Collective for a long time. I played their song, "My Lighthouse", multiple times a day during one of my husband's deployments and in the days of reintegration following his return. "Counting Every Blessing" reminded me of the power of giving thanks to God in all circumstances. "Simplicity", "Boldly I Approach", and "Second Chance" helped change my thinking as God continued (and continues) to move me from a prideful rule-follower to someone walking in freedom in Christ relying on Jesus for my salvation and sanctification. Their song, "Weep with Me", was instrumental in reminding me of what was still true about God in my grief, giving me a vision in my grief of God sharing in my sadness, and helping me see brighter days ahead.
Which artists make you most excited for their new songs?