Friday, January 31, 2025

Carrying Each Other's Burdens

At the beginning of the year, I asked on the blog: "What parts of my story would you like to know more about?" One of the responses I received asked about the people who helped me during my grief journey and what they did that was helpful. I am going to try to tackle that response today!

It feels a little awkward to write this post. Sprinkled throughout each blog post are the people God put in my life to help me throughout my grief journey. I keep most of them anonymous to respect privacy on the internet. Many of the same people who supported me in my early grief still continue to support me now, reading this blog, reaching out with encouraging notes, and just being a friend. Ultimately, I kept coming back to gratitude. I am so grateful the Lord has put people (including each of you) in my life to help me. Thank you for the difference you made in my grief, my faith, my family, and my healing.

Oh to the have the time and space to find a picture of each one of you,
share with you personally, and hug your neck! Someday!

To my husband: You and I resolved to keep trusting God, to keep loving each other, to cling to what tiny bit of hope it felt like was left, to remember Oliver, to walk forward, and to make a great life for our daughter (and hopefully along the way, each other). Grief is intimate and lonely at the same time. I am so thankful to have had you to cling to as our life blew apart.

To my daughter: You pulled dad and me through our grief. We wanted to be in heaven with Oliver, and yet we knew we needed to be here on earth with you. You walked through your grief, and we followed, pulled along by your light and joy, your acceptance, and your child-like faith. For two years or more after Oliver died, I got out of bed not because I wanted to, but because you were there at my bedside, gently poking me awake and then patiently snuggling me until I was ready. When I needed to cry, you were always there with a hug and murmured sounds of compassion and encouragement. When I was afraid, your presence gave me reason to fight through it, your own fears reminded me to not be ashamed of mine, and your understanding helped me try again. As you continue to grieve, I pray that I can help you even just half as much as you have helped me.

To Ash: My list of "people" who helped us wouldn't be complete without a mention of your unconditional love and natural ability to comfort. When God gave us our dog, He gave us a constant reminder that He loves us and does in fact answer prayer.

To our parents and siblings: You were an anchor in the storm. Grieving too, you offered support, comfort, tears, and laughter. Your steady presence reminded us that God was still present with us too. You didn't want to walk this road either, but you never wavered in encouraging us and accepting us. Thank you for loving Oliver. Thank you for loving us.

To our extended family and friends: People from Florida to Alaska and everywhere in between sent cards, food, gifts, and notes, filled with memories of Oliver and words expressing their heartbreak over our loss. One thing that remains frustrating for me is, despite my own experience, I still never know what to say when I go to offer condolences to someone else. But looking back, I would say it doesn't matter what you say or what gift you buy. What matters is that you took the time. It was so helpful to know that others were thinking about us, praying for us, and remembering Oliver fondly.

To those God called to play a bigger friendship role: You know who you are. I can never thank you enough. You drove across states to attend a funeral in Wisconsin. You helped us plan a memorial in Tennessee. You gently guided us and watched out for us as we entered back into our everyday life. You invited my daughter and me to do things with you when just breathing was hard and there were no words and few smiles. You patiently waited until I was ready to talk. You wisely asked questions when the Spirit told you it was time for me to talk. You listened without judging and gently reminded me of the truth. You loved me for who I was and saw a future for me and my family when I couldn't. You never grew tired of my grief. You never forgot how hard losing a child must be or that it could have been you and your family. Some of you knew Oliver and grieved him with us. Some of you only knew Oliver through our stories yet opened your heart and grieved him with us.

Thank you for being the body of Christ to us.

(for those looking for specific advice on how to support parents grieving the loss of a child, here is a helpful article by Tim Challies:

Proverbs 27:9 Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.

Galatians 6:2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Phil 2:4 Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Caught Up Together

Last week, for the on-line study of Revelation I am doing with Bible Study Fellowship, I read a series of Bible verses relating to God's promises about eternal life. They were all a comfort to me as I contemplated the judgment to come and the hope of the risen Savior. One of the verses in particular brought tears of joy to my eyes as I realized what it could mean for me and my family, and I wanted to share it with you today.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words.

One of the themes of Revelation is the certainty that Jesus is coming back again in victory. If I am blessed to still be alive on this earth when Christ returns, I will see Christ come down from heaven, I will see the dead in Christ, including my son, Oliver, rise and join Him, and then I will be caught up in the air with them as well. What hope! What encouragement! Come Lord Jesus, bring us together with you forever! Amen!

A couple of pictures of "sky" from our time in eastern Washington

Friday, January 17, 2025

Start Here!

One of my blogging goals for 2025 was to create a landing page that organizes what I have already written. Here it is! 

Welcome! Carrying Sheaves is a blog where I write about my grief journey in losing my son, Oliver, in 2019 at the age of 10. The name is taken from Psalm 126:5-6 Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. I also write about faith and family. It is an old-school blog, written in diary format, and can be read forwards or backwards using the month-by-month archive at the bottom of the page. There you can also find a subscribe button, which will deliver new posts to your email as they publish. 

Below, I included an outline of sorts, which puts the posts into categories. Hopefully the outline will make it easier for a new reader to find posts of interest. 

Happy Reading!


  1. The Beginning

    1. Welcome to Carrying Sheaves - a quick introduction to who I am

    2. Why Now? - on why I choose to begin writing 4 ½ years after my son passed away

    3. Love Story - a look at how my husband and I met and built our family by God’s grace

    4. One Thousand Gifts - on how the book One Thousand Gifts and the practice of gratitude shaped and prepared me for the trials to come

    5. The First Tears - a post about the loss of my sister, MaryJo

    6. The Story - a post about the days right before and right after Oliver died, a testimony to God’s sovereignty and faithfulness

  2. Sowing with Tears

    1. Sowing with Tears - a post about how the blog got it’s name and all I have learned through Psalm 126:5-6

    2. Tension - an acknowledgement that everyone grieves differently and this creates tension in our relationships 

    3. Book Review: Through the Eyes of a Lion - a review of the book that had the most influence on me in my early grief journey and continues to provide hope and help today

    4. Songs for Mourning with Hope - a few song recommendations that have been a big help to me as I grieved

    5. 10,000 Reasons - a look at how God used a song to help me grieve both Oliver and MaryJo

    6. Memories are Funny Things - on what happens to memories and a reminder to remember and press on

  3. Carrying Seeds

    1. Harvest from God’s Word - a look at all God taught me about grief as I opened my Bible each week for three years with a Bible Study Fellowship group in eastern Washington

    2. Answers to Prayer - a post describing how God taught me to pray again after the loss of Oliver

    3. Called to Tell Our Stories - how God reminded me that we are called to share the stories of God’s faithfulness to us with others

    4. Early Lessons from Sharing My Story - a few things I have learned from writing the blog and taking other opportunities to share my story of the loss of Oliver and God’s faithfulness in our grief

    5. I Wanted to Throw the Book… I Made a List Instead - a list of ways God is at work in our suffering

    6. Reap that Joy - a song by Rend Collective based on Psalm 126

  4. Fear

    1. Fear After Child Loss - the first post in a series about the fear I felt after the loss of Oliver

    2. God Gave Us Ash - a look at the way God used our dog to help me feel the fear I needed to work through

    3. More Thoughts on Fear: habits, grace, afraid of being afraid - the final post in the series about fear after child loss

    4. Why Are You Afraid? - a question that can help in the face of mounting fears

  5. Grief Stirred

    1. Maple Syrup Making and Reflections on Family - a post describing facing grief, letting it stir up feelings, and trusting that it will settle a little more comfortably after each stirring

    2. The Body of Christ - a post about grieving, remembering, and celebrating with others

    3. Happy Easter! - a look at the special meaning Easter takes on after the loss of a loved one

    4. Five Years - a letter to Oliver written five years after his passing

    5. A Quick Thought on Doubt

    6. Milestones - a look at the challenges on facing milestones after child loss

  6. God at Work

    1. My Writing Journey - a look at how childhood dreams of being an author came true in unexpected ways

    2. A Mom’s Perspective on Siblings and Child Loss - on answering the question: could I believe that my daughter’s faith would not be destroyed by this valley but that God would build it here?

    3. Blessings - a look at how God longs to bless us right now and the many shapes that can take

    4. Fruitful - a post about how God tends his garden

    5. A Parenting Lesson Learned From Child Loss -

    6. A Reminder from Glorious Autumn - a quick look at how God’s ways are better than our ways

    7. Healing Grace in Children’s Books - a list of children’s books that have helped me and my family in our grief

    8. Nothing is Wasted - a review of the Nothing is Wasted podcast and book

    9. Perfection - a look at letting go of perfection and watching God do the work

  7. Eternity

    1. Work in Heaven: A Fresh Perspective - a look at the question: what will we be doing in heaven?

    2. On Diabetes and What Remains - a few thoughts on Oliver’s diabetes diagnosis and how I remember him now

    3. A Sweet and Golden 16 - a look at birthdays and Psalm 84:10a Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere

    4. To the Victorious - a post about Revelation 2-3 and the eternal rewards God promises those who remain faithful to Him 

    5. Today - as we look forward to eternity, grief also reminds us the only day we are promised is today

  1. Homeschooling and Other Random Updates

    1. Light of Christmas - a few update pictures from Christmas 2024 -

    2. Janet’s Homeschool Day in the Life (with a 13-year-old) - a post about what an ordinary day looks like in our homeschool

    3. Things I Don’t Want to Throw - a list of things I was loving in May 2024

    4. Thoughts While Traveling - a quote from a Eugene Peterson book and marveling at a God who knows, sees, understands, forgives, extends grace, blesses, and redeems in the midst of the hard, the impossible, the ordinary, the exciting, the nerve wracking, and the memorable

    5. Homeschool Plan for the 2024-2025 School Year - a look at my approach to planning and what I have planned for the 2024-2025 school year

    6. Where Am I? - an update on my life from August 2024

    7. Counting My Blessings - a week of gratitude from September 2024

    8. A Thanksgiving List - November 2024

    9. Things I am Loving This Christmas Season - December 2024

    10. Blogging in the New Year - blogging goals for 2025

  2. Devotional 

    1. Rush Your Life - a few thoughts from the Song “Take Your Time” by Joseph O’Brien

    2. Laughing in Church - a timely reminder to worship and not to worry about what to eat and what to wear

    3. Fruitful - a look at leaning on God

    4. The Lord Has Done Great Things for Us - an advent devotional

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Resources for Mourning with Hope

As I work to organize the blog posts I have already written, I realized I wanted to pull out a separate page for resources that have been most helpful to me as I strive to mourn with hope. Here is a list of those resources, and the posts I wrote relating to them (this list formats weird on my mobile device for some reason, but looks fine on my computer).

  1. One Thousand Gifts (book) -
  2. Through the Eyes of a Lion (book) -

  3. Songs for Mourning with Hope -

  4. Healing Grace in Children’s Books -
  5. Nothing is Wasted (podcast and book) -